I have finalized my plan after much late night tweaking of details. I have gone back to the 42" grill instead of the 54". Primarily due to lack of counter space if I get the 54, but the $1,300 price difference had something to do with it also.
The components in the drawings are not exact (these are Kitchenaid models that were available online in the sketchup library), but they are approximately the same size.

There will be double doors under the grill for storing junk like the grill cover and other things that spiders can turn into homes. Below the double side burners will be utility drawers which are for BBQ tools etc - hopefully they are more spdier resistant. By dropping down to the 42" grill there is plenty of counter space on either side of the grill.
This shot shows the counter area - It ends up as 8' wide, which should comfortably seat 4, even if two of them are my kids. I currently have 3 aluminum counter height chairs, so I need to find another one of those from wherever it was that I bought it many years ago. No doubt is it discontinued and it will cost me a small fortune to find one that matches.
And this final picture provided some of the inspiration. It's from the Lynx grill catalog, which are the components I am using. I'll go with a darker granite than they did, but this is the basic look I am shooting for. That is teh exact grill and double doors. the drawers on the left will go below the burner. The burner I am using is different from the one they show.
The good news is that I got close in Sketchup. Now the big question is whether I can get close in the real world!